Large support was granted to this project by Stadtdienst Integration of the township of Solingen,, by offering financial means obtained by the aid program of the county of North Rhine- Westphalia (“NRW is staying together”) and the Federal German Government (“Live democracy”) and their translation service enabled a great part of all translations.
Translations have also been done by private persons.
Michaela Huber, together with the publishing house Junfermann Verlag GmbH, Paderborn, provided us with text material and audio-data „The Inner Garden“, „The Cleansing Bath“ and “Emotional Awareness” out of her book „The Inner Garden ( German issue ISBN: 978-3-87387-582-1).
The educationalist Susanne Stein, offered the trauma picture book for children.
Certified Psychologist Sabine Koch, wrote “Container Exercise”, “Session of Light” and the exercises “Taking up contact with Inner Strength“ as well as further information material.
The website is being established by the Agency for Online Marketing „parallaxis“