Responsible for the content of this website
Birgit Kracke M.D.
Praxiszentrum Solingen / Doctors Office Center Solingen
Kronenstraße 17
42697 Solingen
Phone: +49 (0)212 / 23 38 24 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)0212 / 23 38 24 - 20
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Photo Credits
All photographs for the website:
Dr. Birgit Kracke
- The Psychosocial Center for Refugees Düsseldorf (PSZ), assisted with NaWa -text and audio data.
- Michaela Huber, together with the publishing house Junfermann Verlag GmbH, Paderborn, provided us with text material and audio-data „The Inner Garden“, „The Cleansing Bath“ and “Emotional Awareness” out of her book „The Inner Garden ( German issue ISBN: 978-3-87387-582-1).
- The educationalist Susanne Stein, offered the trauma picture book for children.
- Certified Psychologist Sabine Koch, wrote “Container Exercise”, “Session of Light” and the exercises “Taking up contact with Inner Strength“ as well as further information material.